Myoma, uterus (uterine) muscle layers of developing benign (benign) tumors is the name given. Fibroids common in women and occurs in one of every 4-5 women. Fibroids often occurs between the ages of 30-40 and not taking hormone therapy after menopause smaller. Occurrence is extremely rare before puberty. Why are not known to occur, is thought to be the role of estrogens and genetic features. There is evidence suggesting that the effect of estrogens. For example, contracts in after the menopause, are not considered in the period before puberty. However, estrogens (actually causes) caused by the formation of why some women with fibroids, there are controversial in others. In addition, women with fibroids than women without high levels of estrogen were found. Genetic characteristics may be responsible for this situation. In addition, the hormone progesterone in the other accused, but found conflicting data about it.
How will Fibroid symptoms?
Settle and settled in various parts of the uterus fibroids by region may lead to various complaints. Fibroids, without any complaint be detected incidentally during a pelvic exam or ultrasound. Fibroids can cause the uterus to grow and be detected during this examination. Gynecological examination and determined the size of the uterus is expressed in a myomlu cesameti definition of pregnancy is used. A week in which the uterus grows during pregnancy, how often this definition is known by gynecologists with experience is preferred. However, the outer wall of the uterus for fibroids growing outward in the form of a separate mass can be defined in terms of centimeters. In terms of localization by ultrasonography is usually more clear that the development of a specific location and is defined by specifying the dimensions.
Some of the symptoms may fibroids. Abnormal bleeding, pain, painful one, compressing the surrounding organs, the symptoms (frequent urination go, constipation, etc.), symptoms such as abdominal distension and can handle the mass arrival. Abnormal bleeding is the most common symptom, especially the increase in the amount of pieces. The pain usually is not very frequent, but more can be seen in the form of two pains increased. Myoma degeneration occurs deterioration in blood supply can be seen in severe pain and tenderness during examination.
Usually fibroids are not considered as a cause of infertility, however, fibroids do not cause infertility or any other reason can be regarded as low.
Likely to turn into cancer is very low (ten thousand 1-3). In fact, some researchers developing cancer in the cancer focus and think that conversion is not new. Within a few months, especially the rapidly growing fibroids should be evaluated in this respect.
Fibroids are classified according to residential areas. A portion of the outer lining of the uterus under the overhang to make out the grow. These symptoms usually do not form, but it is doing by place pressure on surrounding tissues of the symptoms (frequent urination, constipation, etc.) show. Such a sub-group stalked fibroids fibroids. These are thin outer wall of the uterus depends on a smack. During the inspection, perceived as a separate ovarian tumors may be confused with the ECHR. Handle can rotate on its axis and nutrition are impaired fibroids necrosis (cell death) and can create severe pain.
Some fibroids are derived from the uterus muscle wall. In these small signs may not interfere with contraction of the uterus during menstruation, but they grow to increase the amount of menstruation can cause olacaklarından.
The most rapid symptomatic uterine fibroids the inner membrane (the endometrium), just below the fibroids. These are very small, even pieces of excessive menstrual bleeding, and sometimes can lead to non-bleeding.
Locations should be possible to classify according to the fibroids grow more than one location but may include more than one. Muscle layer in the sites of a fibroid grows inwards or outwards myomlara give similar symptoms.
Treatment of fibroids is, when you should be treated?
There is no drug treatment of fibroids, only partial reduction of the size of some drugs is possible, but they are not the ultimate solution. Artificial menopause hormone suppression therapy is inserted into the patient medication. However, a maximum of 6 months at the end of treatment available, and often grow back. Some centers, especially for very large myomlarda facilitate operation of such drugs before surgery may try to downsize. Besides, the angiographic methods myoma obstruction of the arteries feeding the experimental studies have been reported in recent years. However, this method can be applied in selected cases not yet widespread.
The main surgical treatment with surgery to remove the fibroids. However, it is not required to be operated in each myoma. If the patient does not lead to complaints of sudden büyümüyorsa, or if it is not very large fibroid size of a regular monitoring of controls is sufficient. However, excessive bleeding, compression surrounding organs, causing pain and a fast growing fibroids, uterus fibroids that grows more than 8 weeks of pregnancy should be operated cesametinden. The selection of the operation the patient's age, fertility status, and fibroids can be applied according to various operations. Young, patients completed the family can be just as fibroids (myomectomy) is the elderly patients who do not want children (because of the risk of recurrence by 20%) can be taken in the womb (hysterectomy).
Pregnancy and fibroids relationship
Here are a few questions come to mind.
1 Fibroids prevents pregnancy, will you?
2 Did you grow fibroids in pregnancy, did shrink?
3 fibroids in pregnancy loss, will you?
4 myomectomy (fibroid removal) undergoing Is there a risk for pregnancy?
5 myomas during caesarean section can be taken?
To be a rare condition that prevents pregnancy fibroids. In particular the outer wall of the uterus and who developed muscular wall there is this possibility. Alone, the inner membrane uterus (endometrium) established under the (submucous) fibroids sometimes endometrium of pregnancy may interfere with the establishment and development. Myomunu cause infertility or suspected to be accepted as a reason for the other should not. If you do not have another cause and a submucous myoma located in the surgery can be done if you have in mind that it may cause infertility. Otherwise, another reason to require surgery or surgery for myoma during pregnancy is unnecessary. Moreover, bidding in how well the technique carries the risk of myoma operations, intra-abdominal adhesions. This may prevent the formation of the pregnancy. It is useful to highlight an issue of understanding of the wrong.
Fibroids grow during pregnancy is known as a classic. However, some fibroids grow in some large studies, whereas another part remains unchanged and has been observed even shrunk.
There is no significant loss of fibroids in pregnancy is not great. However, large fibroids may interfere with the child's head into the eastern channel may be a localization. Some sites of fibroids increase the risk of miscarriage and premature birth. Apart from that increase the risk of postpartum hemorrhage.
Fibroid removal surgery (myomectomy) 2 There are risks for women who have subsequent pregnancies. If you do not comply with microsurgical techniques is made or careless operation are difficult and complicated to have a fibroid adhesions to the stomach is a risk that it prevents pregnancy. The second risk is the risk of tearing parts of the sewing of the uterus during labor. Generally, an incision of all layers of the uterus during the operation, this risk arises gerektirmişse. Therefore, if those with a history of myomectomy in cesarean section then you must make known the details of the operation. But, the outer layer of the uterus with a small incision is made known after a caesarean operation is not necessary to myomectomy.
Most physicians do not prefer removal of myoma during cesarean section. This is because the pregnant uterus and its blood supply as a result of excessive bleeding from fibroids be stopped from risk. Admission to be stopped the bleeding with the risk of uterine can bring doctors and patients face. If the outer wall of the uterus myoma during cesarean section and in particular can be handled, but usually it is useful dokunmamakta myomlara in the uterine wall.
Settle and settled in various parts of the uterus fibroids by region may lead to various complaints. Fibroids, without any complaint be detected incidentally during a pelvic exam or ultrasound. Fibroids can cause the uterus to grow and be detected during this examination. Gynecological examination and determined the size of the uterus is expressed in a myomlu cesameti definition of pregnancy is used. A week in which the uterus grows during pregnancy, how often this definition is known by gynecologists with experience is preferred. However, the outer wall of the uterus for fibroids growing outward in the form of a separate mass can be defined in terms of centimeters. In terms of localization by ultrasonography is usually more clear that the development of a specific location and is defined by specifying the dimensions.
Some of the symptoms may fibroids. Abnormal bleeding, pain, painful one, compressing the surrounding organs, the symptoms (frequent urination go, constipation, etc.), symptoms such as abdominal distension and can handle the mass arrival. Abnormal bleeding is the most common symptom, especially the increase in the amount of pieces. The pain usually is not very frequent, but more can be seen in the form of two pains increased. Myoma degeneration occurs deterioration in blood supply can be seen in severe pain and tenderness during examination.
Usually fibroids are not considered as a cause of infertility, however, fibroids do not cause infertility or any other reason can be regarded as low.
Likely to turn into cancer is very low (ten thousand 1-3). In fact, some researchers developing cancer in the cancer focus and think that conversion is not new. Within a few months, especially the rapidly growing fibroids should be evaluated in this respect.
Fibroids are classified according to residential areas. A portion of the outer lining of the uterus under the overhang to make out the grow. These symptoms usually do not form, but it is doing by place pressure on surrounding tissues of the symptoms (frequent urination, constipation, etc.) show. Such a sub-group stalked fibroids fibroids. These are thin outer wall of the uterus depends on a smack. During the inspection, perceived as a separate ovarian tumors may be confused with the ECHR. Handle can rotate on its axis and nutrition are impaired fibroids necrosis (cell death) and can create severe pain.
Some fibroids are derived from the uterus muscle wall. In these small signs may not interfere with contraction of the uterus during menstruation, but they grow to increase the amount of menstruation can cause olacaklarından.
The most rapid symptomatic uterine fibroids the inner membrane (the endometrium), just below the fibroids. These are very small, even pieces of excessive menstrual bleeding, and sometimes can lead to non-bleeding.
Locations should be possible to classify according to the fibroids grow more than one location but may include more than one. Muscle layer in the sites of a fibroid grows inwards or outwards myomlara give similar symptoms.
Treatment of fibroids is, when you should be treated?
There is no drug treatment of fibroids, only partial reduction of the size of some drugs is possible, but they are not the ultimate solution. Artificial menopause hormone suppression therapy is inserted into the patient medication. However, a maximum of 6 months at the end of treatment available, and often grow back. Some centers, especially for very large myomlarda facilitate operation of such drugs before surgery may try to downsize. Besides, the angiographic methods myoma obstruction of the arteries feeding the experimental studies have been reported in recent years. However, this method can be applied in selected cases not yet widespread.
The main surgical treatment with surgery to remove the fibroids. However, it is not required to be operated in each myoma. If the patient does not lead to complaints of sudden büyümüyorsa, or if it is not very large fibroid size of a regular monitoring of controls is sufficient. However, excessive bleeding, compression surrounding organs, causing pain and a fast growing fibroids, uterus fibroids that grows more than 8 weeks of pregnancy should be operated cesametinden. The selection of the operation the patient's age, fertility status, and fibroids can be applied according to various operations. Young, patients completed the family can be just as fibroids (myomectomy) is the elderly patients who do not want children (because of the risk of recurrence by 20%) can be taken in the womb (hysterectomy).
Pregnancy and fibroids relationship
Here are a few questions come to mind.
1 Fibroids prevents pregnancy, will you?
2 Did you grow fibroids in pregnancy, did shrink?
3 fibroids in pregnancy loss, will you?
4 myomectomy (fibroid removal) undergoing Is there a risk for pregnancy?
5 myomas during caesarean section can be taken?
To be a rare condition that prevents pregnancy fibroids. In particular the outer wall of the uterus and who developed muscular wall there is this possibility. Alone, the inner membrane uterus (endometrium) established under the (submucous) fibroids sometimes endometrium of pregnancy may interfere with the establishment and development. Myomunu cause infertility or suspected to be accepted as a reason for the other should not. If you do not have another cause and a submucous myoma located in the surgery can be done if you have in mind that it may cause infertility. Otherwise, another reason to require surgery or surgery for myoma during pregnancy is unnecessary. Moreover, bidding in how well the technique carries the risk of myoma operations, intra-abdominal adhesions. This may prevent the formation of the pregnancy. It is useful to highlight an issue of understanding of the wrong.
Fibroids grow during pregnancy is known as a classic. However, some fibroids grow in some large studies, whereas another part remains unchanged and has been observed even shrunk.
There is no significant loss of fibroids in pregnancy is not great. However, large fibroids may interfere with the child's head into the eastern channel may be a localization. Some sites of fibroids increase the risk of miscarriage and premature birth. Apart from that increase the risk of postpartum hemorrhage.
Fibroid removal surgery (myomectomy) 2 There are risks for women who have subsequent pregnancies. If you do not comply with microsurgical techniques is made or careless operation are difficult and complicated to have a fibroid adhesions to the stomach is a risk that it prevents pregnancy. The second risk is the risk of tearing parts of the sewing of the uterus during labor. Generally, an incision of all layers of the uterus during the operation, this risk arises gerektirmişse. Therefore, if those with a history of myomectomy in cesarean section then you must make known the details of the operation. But, the outer layer of the uterus with a small incision is made known after a caesarean operation is not necessary to myomectomy.
Most physicians do not prefer removal of myoma during cesarean section. This is because the pregnant uterus and its blood supply as a result of excessive bleeding from fibroids be stopped from risk. Admission to be stopped the bleeding with the risk of uterine can bring doctors and patients face. If the outer wall of the uterus myoma during cesarean section and in particular can be handled, but usually it is useful dokunmamakta myomlara in the uterine wall.